Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Return to Sender

Perhaps you've organised a day or night out with the girls and despite the initial email and text excitement, silence now prevails.

What should you?, what can you do? and what not to do!

The music, the food, the decorations, the invitations have been sent, the RSVP date has been and gone, and many guests haven't responded sound familiar ?

These tips may work for you they are tried and tested by my girlfriends and I:

Tip 1
If it's a small group event simply call a few days before to confirm.

Tip 2
If you require money up front, simply email confirming the booking made and requesting funds be paid by EFT into your account by a specific date. I know these people are your friends but it's okay to say in the email .. No $$ no play!

Tip 3
If its a large event such as a wedding or hen's party, nominate someone other than you to ring around, it's a softer approach and less confronting for both parties. You're more likely to get a "oh I'm so sorry, I've been so busy, I meant to do it! Yes we're coming wouldn't miss it!"

Tip 4
Simply lower your expectations, people have simply stopped RSVPing .. Invitees assuming because you see them everyday at work that you simply know telepathically they will be attending, or they are your BFF and of course they wouldn't miss it either! You just need to ask them "love to see you, can you make it?"

Tip 5
Another clever idea I've seen more and more is if you get an invite with "regrets only". It simply means your host assumes your attending unless you inform them otherwise. I like this one as only the No's need only respond.

I read in Danny Katz's " Modern Guru" column in The Age recently a girl had sent her wedding invitations 2 years in advance and wondered why no one RSVPd by the due date... His response " in all reality they forget or don't like you !" I admire this girls organisational skills but seriously what was she thinking???

So what does all this say? ...people are busy, not intentionally rude..... And nothing a simple call can't fix , where you simply say "I'm dying to get there . I can't wait!

Hope to see you at one of our events soon!

Share your RSVP do's and don'ts in the comments below


  1. great tips! i usually send a last minute group txt saying something like " I so look forward to seeing you, remember to bring your (apron/party hat/costume...)" that will remind them that there's something going on they don't want to miss

  2. Sounds familiar - my birthday last year was a nightmare following up on people to get them to commit. My biggest tip - don't invite everyone via FB as not everyone is on it -or sees the post.
